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By  Salsa5162
Overall Rating:
   5 stars
Reliable and quiet 2017-11-16 18:26:31

I bought one of these years ago thinking I would use it til I found a better one. I never did find a better one and its still going. Since we are selling the house and the fish along with it we will be leaving the pump behind with the new owners and I will be buying a new one today ready for my new pond. This item has worked extremely well and seems to still pump air even when the sky is overcast. The fish love it and play in the bubbles. All it needs is for an occasional once a year wipe over the airstone to keep it bubbling away and keeping the fish alive and happy. A wonderful item and incredible at the current price. I have searched the internet for about four months to find this offer again as I threw away the box and couldnt remember where I bought it. Today I got lucky and did a quick search using the information on the back of the pump. Yay I found it again. Buying today.